Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve: Habitat Restoration

This project involved the restoration of a natural public area. The nature preserve was polluted from foundry sands and metal contamination, in addition to being heavily overgrown with invasive species.

The Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve located on Lake Avenue just west of the causeway is a targeted area of concern (AOC) that is to be addressed during the proposed work in the area. The area had been filled in the past with foundry sands showing elevated levels of various metals. Miscellaneous concrete debris was present, detracting from the aesthetics of the preserve. In addition, invasive species had infiltrated the area and had dominated natural species. The desired goals of this project were to improve the general habitat of the nature preserve, increase biological diversity and vitality in the area and improve the overall beauty and appeal of the preserve.

To accomplish this, several activities were completed. Wetland areas were enhanced by removing soil and lowering the elevation of targeted areas. New disconnected wetlands were generated where amphibious species can flourish without predation by fish. In other areas, hydraulic connections were created to restore natural water migration within the preserve. Intense invasive species control were implemented in an attempt to restore native species and natural diversity.

The entire goal of this project was to improve the preserve habitat and return the area to a more natural setting allowing environmental conditions and wildlife diversity to rebound. When finished, the area was restored to a clean, natural environment for residents and local wildlife to enjoy for years to come.


Gordie Howe Bridge Pre-Construction Environmental Cleanup


City of Ann Arbor Sewer Televising and Cleaning